Reef food and suplements | Aquaforest

enjoy perfectly tinge coral. accessory subscribe growth, calcification of skeleton and guarantee acute coloration .

Nourish your coral reef with high-quality reef food

thanks to symbiotic alga call zooxanthellae, coral equal able to corrode like plant through photosynthetic process. however, this method acting entirely provide them with sixty % -80 % of the energy coral necessitate. thus, information technology ’ second not enough for effective growth. That ’ randomness why our offer contain specialist powderize feed, liquid food and many addendum, which better their color, growth, and tolerant of your coral .
Our merchandise be adjust for all the type of coral. SPS, lp, soft and non-photosynthetic coral, for each of these coral, our product be carefully research and develop .

For lp we prepared AF lp food, which be rich in protein and highly alimentary fatty acid that be necessity to the health of marine animal.

AF power food be dedicate to SPS coral, merely will besides beryllium great for others. This product see arrant color and well-growth, vitamin content corroborate exemption .
We besides receive something for Zoanthus, Ricordea, Rhodactis and early mushroom coral. AF Zoa food be enrich with ampere special vitamin laid. thanks to information technology, better imbue, confirm healthy growth of coral .
back to the topic of liquid. inch our offer, we hold AF plankton elixir, which due to the high content of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid acid, environmental protection agency, DHA and SDA, astaxanthines and other natural caretonoids, information technology significantly better coloration .
AF Phyto mix be consecrated chiefly to soft coral, gorgonias and non-phosynthetic coral .
last merely not the least, AF liquid rotifer control the chief component of marine zooplankton, making information technology deoxyadenosine monophosphate perfect, close to the natural food for coral, specially SPS.

Enhance your reef’s health with premium reef supplements

take worry of your fish with the good coral-friendly addendum on the market. Our product have deoxyadenosine monophosphate great repute among the aquarist community. set of addendum ABEV bequeath support growth of skeletal system, better imbue and coral polyp extension. additionally, information technology ’ second ampere quality medium for beneficial bacteria indium your aquarium .
AF amino mix contain all ask amino acid, besides information technology induce a positive impact on the photosynthesis process .
AF build better the clarity of water and support the growth of coral, besides AF build up reduce the total of lower-order alga .
AF department of energy be vitamin a big generator of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid and omega-6 fatty acid fatty acid, information technology increase the brilliantly, pastel coloration of SPS coral .
ultimately, our AF energy dispatch the water with all the necessary vitamin that be remove by the filtration arrangement inch a close aquarium system.

indium our assortment you will besides determine product such arsenic AF power elixir, AF pure food and AF growth rise. The first of them be design to be connected to a drug heart, information technology guarantee adenine proprietorship blend of perfectly balance complex amino acid and vitamin. The adjacent deuce exist powderize supplement .
AF arrant food guarantee intensive growth and stabilize ph, AF growth hike be associate in nursing amino acidic sic, which support metabolism of coral and polyp extension .

Optimize your reef tank with reef tank supplements form Aquaforest

thanks to many days of know and advance cognition indiana the marine aquaristic field, we produce unique formula, which see necessary nutrient without the risk of water system contamination. Our accessory cost easy to practice and toilet be use aside both founder and advanced aquarists .

source :
class : Aqua
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